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12 Most Popular Types of Content Marketing to Get More Traffic in 2021

12 Most Popular Types of Content Marketing to Get More Traffic in 2021

When you’re starting a business, you need to know what your possibilities of creating content are and how you can keep the visitors engaged. 

Saying “I’m going to create quality content” is a bit vague because there are numerous types of content marketing. So, it would be advisable to make a plan in advance on how you will grow your online presence.

In this post, we will share with you all the common and popular ways to create content for your website in order to diversify your marketing strategy. 

If you ever run out of ideas, check out this list and maybe you will discover new solutions on how to attract visitors and interact with them through your content.

Let’s dive in!

12 types of content marketing to diversify your business strategy

What exactly can you publish on your website to bring readers and potential customers on board? You can start with these 12 types of content marketing:

🖊️ Blogging

Blogging is one of the oldest forms of online marketing. It has evolved quite a bit over the years and become an indispensable method to market your business and products online. 

According to HubSpot, 86% of companies rely on blog content more in comparison with other content marketing formats[1].

Why is blogging so important to your marketing efforts? Well, it opens doors. When it’s done well. 

Through blog posts, you get exposure, traffic, leads, and eventually conversions and sales. You also get to build a community around your brand and develop your business further in the long term.

🎧 Podcasting

Podcasts kept getting the hype in the past few years all around the globe. In the US only, more than half of the population (aged above 12) listens to podcasts, while globally 36% of the respondents have listened to a podcast in the last month[2]

Also in the US, podcast advertising revenues sum around $1 billion at the present time[3].

Podcasts are one of the most popular types of content marketing

Podcasting and audio content, in general, are going through a very fruitful period right now, which is why marketers and content creators took advantage of their popularity to increase traffic, promote their business brands, and build communities.

📹 Videos

Videos are once again the proof that multimedia content is the king nowadays and will probably remain like this for more years to come. 

Just like audio, video marketing gets most of the attention if we look at the stats. Actually, if you just look around, you will see for yourself.

WordStream says that people watch around 16 hours of video per week, a 52% increase from the past two years. Videos also generate 1200% more shares, which is more than text and image content combined.

What kind of videos can you create? Basically, every written blog post can turn out to be a great source for a video – lists, how-tos, recipes, news, etc. But video also offers a good opportunity for live streaming, personal experiences, announcements about product launches, improvements, and more.

🖼️ Visual content

We’ll stay in the visual content zone for a little longer because, as we’ve mentioned earlier, visuals are very popular at the present time. What kind of visual content can you create for your business? These are a few examples:

📚 eBooks

eBooks are a type of long-form content, where you can put together your expertise on a topic and create a comprehensive document that people can download and read offline.

 It’s like writing a book, but a shorter one and in digital format only. The purpose of the eBook is to teach your audience a topic in an elaborate fashion.

eBooks are also a good technique to gain leads and conversions while offering visitors a way to interact with your content. 

You can either give it away for free, set a price, or ask for a micro-action in return (e.g. a share, a like, or a subscription).

📧 Newsletters

After talking about the rise of videos and podcasting, newsletters might seem like an obsolete type of content marketing. Except that they aren’t. 

Email won’t disappear anytime soon, and newsletters create a more intimate connection with your readers. Why? Because people give their consent to allow your content into their personal space.

If I subscribe to a newsletter, it means that I have a high interest in hearing from you, right? It means that the bond between you and your newsletter readers moved to the next level of engagement. 

So a newsletter is a more personal relationship that you can build with your readers.

Newsletters also have the potential to become valuable business assets on their own. For instance, reports say that the Morning Brew – a popular finance newsletter – generated $13 million in revenue in 2019[6].

👩 User-generated content

Sometimes, no matter how much work you are willing to put into your projects, you can still find shortcuts that will generate quality content as well. User-generated content is partly – or almost entirely – produced by your readers or people you follow. 

This means that you come up with the idea and the outline, and the users contribute with their input and insights.

Examples of user-generated content:

  • Interviews
  • Case studies
  • Roundups (e.g. experts sharing their advice to your readers)
  • Testimonials
  • Community input (your followers share opinions, images, or achievements based on a context that you create or a question you ask)
  • Social media embeds with people’s posts and hashtags

📃 Whitepapers

Whitepapers, as a form of content marketing, are a combination of an eBook and research doc. A whitepaper is meant to solve your customers’ most common issues with your products, answer questions, and clarify the overall process of using the respective products.

What differentiates a whitepaper from an eBook is the fact that the former can get more technical and in-depth on the topic it tries to solve.

 A whitepaper never leaves room for subjectivity. The author’s voice is not present and the writing style is formal, always backed by data and evidence.

👨‍🏫 Courses & webinars

This is another type of content marketing that saw popularity growth in the last few years. A course can be launched either in a written form or a video form (split into chapters), whereas webinars are video only.

 Both have the end purpose of making money or, at least, converting the attendants to pay for your services[5].

A course doesn’t have to be held live, you can record yourself and then post the video online for your subscribers.

 Webinars, though, always take place live and are interactive. So if you do not mind sharing your skills with an audience, be it live or recorded, courses and webinars are an efficient way to bring new customers on board.

✅ Polls, quizzes, checklists

Similar to asking visitors to subscribe to your newsletter, you can also post web forms on your site or in a blog article and encourage people to interact with your content that way. As a bonus, you will get useful insights and feedback on various topics and get to know your audience better.

web forms - one of the best types of content marketing

There are several tools out there that you can use to create such forms, which you can integrate with your site afterwards. Engaging content keeps visitors on your site longer, generates more conversions, and brings more page views.

⭐ Reviews & sponsored content

While we put these two in the same category, reviews do not have to be sponsored. But both reviews and sponsored posts do talk about a service or product, no matter if you do it because you are paid or because you genuinely like/dislike the subject of your material. 

You can also choose if you want to create the reviews in the form of a blog post or video.

If you own a tech blog, for instance, you can talk about software that is trending or gets a ton of attention at a given moment to make more clicks, shares, and sales. With this type of content marketing, you can make money easier if you use affiliate links for the products that you are featuring.

🤩 Freebies

The ultimate type of content marketing is to build your own product or establish a services’ package based on your skills. 

Many companies do offer freebies as a way to gain sympathy and convince the users that their product is great so that, eventually, they turn into paying customers.

If you plan to launch a digital/physical product or start offering services to your visitors, giving something away for free – at least partially – will pique interest and will give people the opportunity to see that your products are worth paying for.

Experiment with many types of content marketing to multiply results

So, that’s our take on what you should post on your site or blog if you want to get more traffic and bring in more customers. 

Of course, it’s easier said than done. Actually, putting into practice all of the above implies a lot of work and time. However, diversifying your content marketing will show results in the long term. Just take it one step at a time with:

  • Blogging
  • Podcasting
  • Videos
  • Visual content
  • eBooks
  • Newsletters
  • User-generated content
  • Whitepapers
  • Courses & webinars
  • Polls, quizzes, checklists
  • Reviews & sponsored content
  • Freebies

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